The Saskatoon Fire Department (SFD) is currently testing and monitoring ice thickness at storm water retention ponds around the city to verify their safety and integrity for recreational use.
The ice must reach a minimum thickness of at least eight inches to be considered safe for public recreational activities such as skating, broomball and hockey. Signage posted at each pond will indicate whether the pond is safe for recreational use. When the ice thickness reaches a minimum of eight inches and is considered safe, SFD will replace the “No Skating” symbol on site signs with a “Skating Permitted” image. While ice testing is underway, community members are asked to remain off storm pond ice surfaces until signage indicates the pond is safe to use.
As the weather continues to sporadically warm and cool, SFD would like to caution the public of changing ice conditions. Residents are reminded to check the posted signage each time they consider using the pond. Community members are advised to always exercise an elevated level of caution when around any large body of water. Keep a close watch on children and pets when visiting trails, parks, or off-leash areas that may run adjacent to a storm water retention pond. Community members who use the ponds for recreational purposes assume all risk and maintenance responsibilities for the ice including shoveling, flooding, as well as user safety.
Only select storm water ponds are designated for recreational use. Please visit for a list of ponds permitting winter recreational use and to learn more about the Recreational Uses of Storm Water Retention Ponds policy.

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