The College Park Recreation Association maintains an outdoor rink for use by the public located at Ecole Cardinal Leger School on Campion Cres.
The rinks acceptable usage is anytime between 7am and 10pm, and lighting is available between 5pm and 10pm. This is considered joint or shared use with the exception of the following dedicated time slots:
This is a supervised period of time in which there are no sticks or pucks allowed on the ice. There will also be access to the warm up shack.
Monday and Wednesday from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 – 2:00 pm.
* No Supervision when the temperature is below -28°C
Please feel free to assist with shoveling the snow off the ice surface at any time. However, we ask that you not leave piles of snow on the rink. If you push it, toss it over the side.
Flooding will occur periodically at temperatures below 0 Degrees Celsius and is based on volunteer availability. Please respect the asks of volunteers as we may only have small windows of time to flood in. Do not go on the ice during this time.
-Do not drive onto school grounds.
-No alcohol or drug use.
-No unsupervised use of the rink shack.
-Respect the rink skating schedule as posted.
-Do not use the rink during extremely cold or warm weather or when “closed for flood” sign is out.
-Children and inexperienced skaters are encouraged to use an approved helmet while on the ice to prevent injuries.
-Hockey teams are not allowed to practice as a team without first contacting the CPRA.
-Anyone not abiding by these rules may be asked to leave.
If you would like to make a donation towards the upkeep of the rink you may send an etransfer to treasurer@ collegeparksaskatoon.com.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns please reach out to rink@collegeparksaskatoon.com or president@ collegeparksaskatoon.com