fax: 306-975-2971, phone: 306-975-2476
The 8th Street East Water Main Replacement Project is now nearing the completion of Phase 1. The following are approximate timelines for each phase, barring weather delays and unforeseen circumstances:
-  Phase 1 – 8th Street East from Campbell Avenue to Arlington Avenue – beginning June 1, 2020 for approximately 5 weeks.
-  Phase 2 – 8th Street East from Sommerfeld Avenue to Preston Avenue – approximately 4 weeks.
- ï‚· Phase 3 – 8th Street East from Preston Avenue to Campbell Avenue – approximately 3 weeks.Throughout the project:ï‚·
- ï‚· Access to businesses along the south side of 8th Street East will be maintained by utilizing 7th Street East.
- ï‚· All water services will be maintained through the use of temporary water lines. Businesses and residents will be notified in advance of the temporary line installations.
- ï‚· Signage will ensure motorists and pedestrians are able to navigate safely through theconstruction zone and access all businesses along 8th Street East.
- ï‚· Once temporary water lines are placed, Acadia Construction will ensure thatpedestrians and motorists can safely cross over these lines.
- ï‚· Marketing tactics will be deployed by the City of Saskatoon ahead of the project aswell as throughout the duration of the project to let citizens know 8th Street Eastbusinesses remain accessible during this work.
- ï‚· Project updates will continue to be provided every two weeks throughout the durationof the project.Over the past two weeks:
- ï‚· Temporary water lines were installed in order to provide temporary water services tobusinesses adjacent to the water main work for Phase 1.
- ï‚· The contractor completed the installation of the water main for Phase 1 of the project.
- ï‚· Sidewalk rehabilitation continued and crews have successfully completed work on 8thStreet East from Arlington Avenue to Campbell Avenue.
- ï‚· The contractor began preparing for the road rehabilitation work on 8th Street East fromArlington Avenue to Campbell Avenue.Over the next two weeks:
ï‚· The installation of temporary water lines by the contractor, Acadia Construction, will
During each phase, the east bound lanes of 8th Street East will close and east bound traffic will be diverted into the west bound lanes. Left-turn restrictions will be in place.
begin for Phase 2 of this project:
June 29, 2020 Page 2
o To receive temporary water service, a functioning outdoor faucet without backflow prevention will be necessary in order to connect your property to the temporary water system. When Acadia Construction contacts you to discuss your temporary water line, please confirm that you have this type of faucet.
o During the connection of temporary water lines to your property, there will be a small disruption in water services. Acadia Construction will discuss this process with you and detail what you can expect prior to connecting you to the temporary water line.
-  With the water main now installed for Phase 1 of this project, crews will begin disinfecting and testing the line this week. Once this work is complete, area businesses adjacent to Phase 1 of the project will have their temporary lines removed and will be reconnected to the City’s water services. Prior to the disconnection of the temporary water lines, the contractor will contact you to discuss this work.
-  The remaining sidewalk rehabilitation work for Phase 1 on 8th Street East from Goodwin Avenue to Emmerson Avenue will be completed. For this work, the City uses a variety of treatments to repair and rehabilitate sidewalks and curbs based on their conditions and the City’s sidewalk and curb preservation criteria. The priority is to reduce safety concerns, not to address aesthetics.
- ï‚· Following the completion of the water main and sidewalk rehabilitation work, crews will complete the remaining road work. This work is anticipated to be complete by July 10, 2020 barring weather delays (rain will delay this work) and unforeseen circumstances.
- ï‚· Once the road work is complete, the detour will be removed for Phase 1 and a new detour will be put in place for Phase 2. The detour transition is anticipated to be complete on July 11-12, 2020.
- ï‚· Phase 2 is anticipated to begin on Monday, July 13, 2020. Once the phase begins, the contractor will begin the installation of the water main as well as the sidewalk rehabilitation work.A reminder to all area businesses impacted by this project, you can now access a copy of
the Construction Survival Guide. To receive a guide please email constructionupdates@saskatoon.ca. The guide includes a social media marketing package for businesses to let customers know they’re still open.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation while this necessary work is carried out. In compliance with the restrictions under the current Public Health Order, we continue to work with our contracted partners to ensure appropriate physical distancing and other appropriate safety measures are in place while performing work for the City. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Customer Care Centre at 306-975-2476 or by e-mail at customercare@saskatoon.ca. The next project update is scheduled for Monday, July 13, 2020.
Transportation & Construction Department
Construction & Design Division City of Saskatoon

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