CPRA - AGM 2024
CPRA’s Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11, 2024, from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Ecole College Park Gymnasium.
Please join us for some snacks and get to know others living in the community.
College Park Recreational Association – CPRA
The Winter 2025 newsletter is now available download it here!

Greetings from CPRA Board members. CPRA is a volunteer run Association and its purpose is to help improve the quality of life of those living in the College Park community.
CPRA provides low cost recreational activities close to home in various age groups, both indoor and outdoor during Winter, Spring and Fall. We have planned a lot of fun programs for Fall 2023. We also provide community events such as in spring 2022, when CPRA executive with the help of many other residents did a back alley clean up.
Together we diverted about 230 kilograms of recyclable metals from going to landfill and cleared about 2400 kg of waste from our back alleys, while getting to know some of the other great people who live here. This event would not have been possible without your help.
Joining the CPRA is a great way to help ensure some of the things you enjoy taking part in will continue in the community, and you will help make College Park an even greater place to live! You can view the current executive members as well as any open positions on the Contact page.
Please email our president for more details or if you have any questions. president@collegeparksaskatoon.com

About College Park
College Park is a gorgeous neighbourhood in the heart of Saskatoon. Established in the late 1950’s and located near the University of Saskatchewan, College Park features over 20 acres of beautiful parkland with adjacent elementary schools and high schools. The neighbourhood has walking access to The Center Mall and direct transit routes to downtown.
The College Park Recreation Association is a group of dedicated volunteers who coordinate a wide variety of youth and adult recreational programs in our neighbourhood. We also look after the neighbourhood ice rink, bring issues of concern to the city and organize an annual community cleanup in June.
Please participate in one of our programs. Better yet, join us!
For further information, please contact president@collegeparksaskatoon.com.
Join the College Park Recreation Association today!
Your membership supports valuable community programs and initiatives, plus gives your household access to our program registrations. Become a member and help us build a stronger community together!
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Contact Elected Officials
City of Saskatoon, Councillor for Ward 8
Scott Ford
e-mail: scott.ford@saskatoon.ca
Phone: (306) 975 3678 | 306 220 4769
City of Saskatoon, Mayor
Cynthia Block
Office of the Mayor
222 Third Avenue North
Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J5
Phone: 306-975-3202
Fax: 306-975-3144
Provincial MLA for Saskatoon – University
Mr. Tajinder Grewal
Phone: 306-787-7388
e-mail: saskatoonuniversitysutherland@ndpcaucus.sk.ca
Federal MP for Saskatoon – University
Corey Tochor
Constituency Office
350 – 103rd Street East, Suite 104
Saskatoon, SK S7N 1Z1
Phone: 306-975-6133
Fax: 306-975-6670
e-mail: Corey.Tochor@parl.gc.ca
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