Black & Green Carts: Summer Collection Begins May 1

Starting Monday, May 1, residential Black Garbage Carts will switch to the summer weekly collection schedule until the end of September.

Green Carts for yard & food waste composting will be collected bi-weekly from May 1 until November 7. New subscribers and residents who renewed for 2017 are reminded to check their Waste and Recycling Calendar for their first bi-weekly collection day. To subscribe or renew your subscription for Green Cart collection, visit

Please place your cart out by 7 a.m. on your collection day, as pick-up times may vary each day. Cart lids must be completely closed and clearance of at least 1.2 metres is required for collection trucks to properly empty them.

Find tips to reduce your household garbage and to learn how to properly dispose of an item with the Waste Wizard, visit Residents can also take yard waste to the City’s compost depots free of charge this summer.

Sign up online for e-mail or phone reminders to never miss a Black, Green and Blue Cart collection date at

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