Watch for sweeping equipment on Saskatoon’s streets! City and contractor street sweeping crews have been cleaning up our busiest streets, grass and concrete medians and Business Improvement Districts (BID) for several weeks. If you approach a sweeper, please leave space, as they back-up frequently.
Spring Street Sweeping – currently ongoing
As soon as roads are dry in spring, City crews focus on picking up the dirt that collected over the winter along Saskatoon’s busiest streets. We sweep around cars on the road to pick up most of the debris as quickly as possible, which dramatically reduces dust and improves air quality.
The early spring cleaning also includes sweeping grass and concrete medians, boulevards and park frontages.
Residential street sweeping with parking restrictions (Yellow No Parking signs)
Neighbourhood pre-sweeping – May 3-7
We want people to have a street nearby to park on when they move cars for sweep day. We do this by scheduling the neighbourhood over a couple of days or sweeping the main streets early (pre-sweeping), so they are completed and open for parking on sweep day.
Pre-sweeping on main streets will occur in Avalon, Dundonald, Evergreen, Greystone Heights, Grosvenor Park, Hudson Bay, Massey Place, North Park and Westview next week.
Neighbourhood street sweeping – May 10 (7 weeks, weather permitting)
All streets are swept by neighbourhood once cars are moved or towed to a nearby street.
Find out when your street or neighbourhood will be cleaned by watching for yellow No Parking signs or find your sweep day at
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