It’s not too early to start planning for a greener season.
The 2019 Green Cart program is now open for registration and renewal. Residents are encouraged to participate in this program to divert yard and food waste from the landfill and help in the City’s efforts to achieve 70% waste diversion.
The Green Cart Program offers convenient front-street collection of yard and food waste every two weeks from May 3 to November 7, 2019. Current black and blue cart customers are eligible for this optional fee-for-service (non-refundable) program.
Subscribe Early and Save! – Subscriptions received by the April 30 Early Bird Deadline will be offered at a discounted rate of $55. On May 1, the Green Cart fee will increase to $75. New subscribers are asked to subscribe no later than March 22, 2019 if they wish to have their Green Cart delivered before collection season begins on May 3.
Register or renew today at