Saskatoon Transit Service Disruptions

The Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) continues to direct its members to refuse overtime. While there is no specific contract language allowing or restricting Saskatoon Transit from hiring casual, temporary or part time operators, it is the subject of an outstanding ATU...

Compost depots closing for the season on November 13

What you can expect: The City’s two compost depots will be closing for the season on Sunday, November 13. West – Highway 7 Depot located at the junction of Highway 7 and 11th Street West is open every day until the end of the season from 9 a.m. to 5:50 p.m. East –...

Sidewalk Snow Clearing Bylaw Reminder

During the winter months, snow and ice on sidewalks can seriously impair the ability of people to get around safely – especially the elderly and those with mobility restrictions. For that reason, the City of Saskatoon has a sidewalk clearing bylaw in place...

Livable YXE – Civic Candidate Questionnaire

Together with their numerous partner organizations, the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre has submitted a questionnaire to all 40 candidates in the civic election to turn their attention to issues in relation to equity/accessibility, urban planning/urbanism,...